Best Visionary Fiction 2025


Maya Burke finds a buried journal that sends her on a spiritual quest.

Top 20 Goodreads Spiritual Fiction

#3 Rated Metaphysical Truths Explained Through Fictional Stories

#1 Amazon Fantasy Novel

Kirkus Review, Nov. 2024! Read Review

“A thought-provoking metaphysical adventure and a genuinely good mystery that just so happens to tackle heady topics like the nature of space, time, and the unconscious energy that flows through all of humanity.” Kirkus

Waking Maya is important with a capital I. Reading it triggers knowledge you hold within, it resonates with the truths buried deep inside, and awakens parts of you. If I could put one book in the hands of everyone today, this would be the book.” Zanne Marie Grey, – Winner of Book of the Month

“A groundbreaking experiment in consciousness-oriented fiction. And a serious page-turner.”  Adam Elenbaas, author of Fishers of Men, The Gospel of an Ayahuasca Vision

On the leading edge into new realms of understanding.”  Robert F. Butts, co-author of Seth Speaks

A fascinating premise, and the author really knows his subject.”  St. Martin’s Press

The best fiction that has come into this office.” Paraview Press

“Mind-bending, visionary, uniquely satisfying.” The Iowa Source

“An excellent book.” Hampton Roads, publishers of Conversations With God

What was of most interest to me was the metaphysical exploration of a non-local world in which energy circulates, connecting and causing events.”  Drew Leder, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, Loyola University

A deeply moving vision … an amazing synthesis of ideas and theories in an engaging thriller … lovely and captivating.” Amazon Reader Reviews 

Podcast interview with author Warren Goldie



A Novel that Inspires Transformation and Awakens the Spirit

Millions of people worldwide are fascinated by theories of metaphysics and spirituality. While many nonfiction books cover these subjects, spiritual fiction is a rarity. Readers of novels such as The AlchemistWay of the Peaceful Warrior, The Shack, The Celestine Prophecy, and other paradigm shifters love Waking Maya. This journey will open your mind and heart to a deeper understanding of the world and the limitless possibilities for healing and growth.

Amazon Reviews

Goodreads Reviews

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Kindle e-book $3.99

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